In this exhibition, designed primarily for children, Bronwyn Lloyd and Karl Chitham treat the humble brown box as a plain structure with unlimited imaginative potential while at the same time bringing together two of their primary enthusiasms: making up stories and making objects from paper and cardboard.
One Brown Box is made up of adaptations of five classic children’s stories including The Princess and the Pea, The Twelve Dancing Princesses, and Hansel and Gretel, each told from the perspective of overlooked, minor and absent characters from the original tales, illustrated with large and small models made entirely from boxes and paper.
The exhibition of adapted tales is supplemented by a huge ‘I Spy’ game with objects galore and a display of folktales and fairytales from the collection of writer and bibliophile, Jack Ross, who has compiled a short history of the fairytale genre detailing the fascinating origins of these stories that are now so familiar to us.
Every Saturday. Childrens storytime at 11am every Saturday (until 18 December.)
Saturday 6 November, 11am-1pm. A special opening event for families with games, stories and loads and of gingerbread. All welcome.
Saturday 13 November 2010. 11am - 11.45am. Jack Ross will be talking about the history of folk and fairytales and Bronwyn Lloyd will discuss the process of adapting a selection of classic stories for the exhibition One Brown Box.

Bronwyn Lloyd, Double Portrait (Snow White's mother and stepmother), 2010.

Bronwyn Lloyd, Nightingale, 2010.