Objectspace presents a season of contemporary jewellery with two exhibitions that place New Zealand jewellers and their practices on an international stage: Joyaviva curated by Kevin Murray will be first to arrive at Objectspace
An inspiring exhibition of modern charms designed to be of service to the wearer. Twenty-one jewellers from Australia, New Zealand and Chile have created objects that have the potential to change our lives. Each jeweller has created a work, which relates specifically to their world and whose function is activated by the wearer. The exhibition at Objectspace includes documentation of how the jewellery has been used; there are videos, diaries, and drawings. The touring exhibition will travel from Australia to Objectspace and then across the Pacific to Latin America where more jewellers will also participate in the project.

Ilse-Marie Erl, A Handful of Luck / Un puñado de suerte, 2011.